Cleo J. Ross and Herbert Hudnut Memorial Bricks
These bricks are located in front of the National WWI Memorial and Museum in Kansas City, MO. They were placed there by my uncle and aunt, Herbert Hudnut, Jr. and his wife Nancy Hudnut. The DSC on Ross's brick stands for the Distinguished Service Cross. The FA on Hudnut's stands for Field Artillery. They saw action together as observers with the 8th Balloon Company. Sep 26 1918 was Day One of the Meuse-Argonne Campaign.

The National WWI Museum and Memorial
Charles visited this amazing facility located in Kansas City, MO on July 5, 2023 and handed out business cards about Eyes to the Sky to several employees and volunteers. He was surprised to see there was no display in the museum about the American observation balloonists; however, he now hopes to dialogue with museum administrators to include them. Please do! They deserve it. Charles purchased the Air Service poster in the gift shop which does feature a balloon.

EYES TO THE SKY was warmly received and a big success on Veterans Day 2022 at Flagstaff Christian School (Flagstaff, Arizona) where Charles was able to show videos, sing songs, and do a book signing. Several of the high school's students purchased copies of the paperback for themselves, friends, and even as Christmas gifts!
Eyes to the Sky is a popular edition on Public Library's "Book Nook" Shelves
People can read while they wait, or take it home to read.

WWII Bomber Co-pilot receives HIS signed copy of EYES To The Sky!
Lloyd Ittel (the author's 96 year-old uncle) receives his signed copy of Eyes To The Sky at his residence. Lloyd flew 27 bomber missions across the North Sea. One time they had to ditch the plane in the sea and get rescued. He too is a great American hero!

Book Signing and Ice Cream Social Event in Big Arm, MT at the Historic Old Schoolhouse on 6/15/18

Explaining the role of the American Balloon Service in WWI.
Reading excerpts from the book.
Performing Over There, Alexander's Ragtime Band, and Yankee Doodle with banjo!